Rainmail Server Administrator Guide
Installation - No Email Server

This section gives further installation steps when Email Server is not selected as a module.

  1. We will give instructions from the following screen:

  1. Click on Next >>. That will bring up the following Window.

  1. Enter the license key provided with the letter in License Key edit field.
  2. Rainmail Server can be installed in evaluation mode, but with full set of features for a period of thirty (30) days.
  3. To install the evaluation version, leave the License key as blank.
  4. Click on Next >> button.
  5. If evaluation version is being installed, Rainmail will display the following dialog:

  1. Click on Yes to proceed.
  2. If the license key is valid, it will bring up the following screen. If the key is not valid, please check and input again.

  1. In the screen, the Internet connectivity details need to be entered. The following table can be used to find what is to be entered:
Edit field 
Rainmail deployed as a Node in LAN 
Rainmail deployed in Gateway mode (with single or multiple ISP lines) 
Gateway Address 
The internal IP address of your Internet Gateway (Router/Firewall). This will be in same range as the IP address of Rainmail Server. This information will be available with your Network System Administrator. 
This will be the Gateway address of your ISP router. This information will be available from your ISP. If you are having multiple lines, you can set use the value for the Primary line in here. 
Gateway Device 
IP Address 
You should specify another unused IP address in your LAN. 
This is the static IP provided by your ISP. If the ISP has provided multiple Static IP, you can choose any one that is unused and assign the same in here. Details can be obtained from your ISP. If there are multiple ISP lines, this IP should correspond to the line configured in the first row. 
Network mask of your LAN 
Network mask provided by your ISP for the assigned Static IP. This can be obtained from your ISP. 
  1. Once the above details are entered, click on Next >> button. That will bring up the following Window:

  1. Rainmail Server sends alerts and other Status information by email to Administrators. When Email Server is chosen, Rainmail sends the alerts using the included emails server. When Email server is not chosen as part of package, Administrator has to specify how to deliver the alert emails. The above Window allows specification of an Internal SMTP server. Whenever Rainmail needs to send emails, it will use the specified address.
  2. Enter the IP address/host name of your Internal email server in the SMTP Relay Server edit field.
  3. Click on Next >>.
  4. If Enterprise Server has been selected, following dialog will be displayed:

  1. To specify a new Certificate password, enter the new password in Certificate Password as well as Confirm Password fields. Click on Next >>.
  2. Rainmail Server will start installing the selected packages and display the status in a Window (as follows):

  1. Once the installation is complete, following dialog will be displayed:

  1. Click on OK to continue. Rainmail will configure all packages and will display the following Window:

  1. Click on Finish to continue. That will display the following Window:

  1. If you are installing Rainmail on Cent OS 5.10, do the following:
    • Click No in the above dialog.
    • Open up a terminal using Start -> System -> Terminal menu items.
    • Run the post installation script for Cent OS 5.10 as follows:
      1. cd /root/RIS-R27-cos5.10
      2. bash icscos5.10_R27_post.sh
  2. The installation will be completed and server will reboot. After rebooting Rainmail Server is ready for use.
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